Breathing Exercises Videos and Resources

As a long time yoga and somatic movement therapist, I studied many breathing techniques. Most of these dictated rules about breathing. So, for years, I imposed breathing exercises on my body.

Breathing can be experienced in such a way that it initiates from very subtle parts of your body. By giving my body the freedom to find its own natural breath, I feel freedom and ease.

Of course, there still are realities of how to execute healthy breathing. My hope is that the videos below combine gentleness, awareness, and good breathing mechanics, so your breath is enhanced without strain.

I am soon launching a breathing course that you can do from the comfort of your own home! If you are interested don't forget to subscribe for updates.

If you need some personal coaching to really master the nuances of breathing or explore these more subtle realms I am available for both in-person and zoom lessons.

Quick Diaphragmatic Breathing
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Quick & Correct Diaphragmatic Breathing

Take better care of your health with diaphragmatic breathing. It's not the same as belly breathing! Here is a quick exercise that will make your diaphragm work more effectively so you can breathe more easily and deeply.

Nose Breathing Thumbnail
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Train Yourself to Nose Breath for Improved Oxygen

This video offers a simple exercise to help you become a nose breather. It is the basis of yogic alternate nostril breathing and will help you increase breathing capacity while supporting calm and regulation in your nervous system.

Expand Your Ribs & Lungs for Better Breathing Thumbnail
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Expand Your Ribs & Lungs for Better Breathing

It's not enough to "breathe deeply"! Feeling the correct movement of your rib cage and lungs will make your breath deeper and yet easier. You will loosen tension in your shoulders and back. Breathing becomes natural and free.

Beat Anxiety, Pain & Stress with Exhalation
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Increase Breath Capacity Through Your Ribs

In this video, we look at how the rigidity of the ribs restricts your breathing, and how being pliable and flexible will give you more breath with calm and ease.

Embodiment and somatic movement can help relieve breathing difficulties, chronic & acute pain and aid the healing process from injury.

Cellular Respiration - Resilience for Covid-19 Thumbnail
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Better Breathing Through Your Alveoli

The Alveoli are the tiny air sacs of your lungs. They are where Co2 and oxygen are exchanged. This video offers an exercise to wake up the more subtle aspects of your breathing.

Get Mastery in Conscious Breathing!

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Conscious breathing offers significant benefits to health and wellbeing.

Experience increased energy and mental clarity, calm your nervous system, and lower your blood pressure.

This 3-part online breathwork course is comprehensive, yet easy to consume, with recorded classes that you can use as often as you need to achieve mastery in conscious breathing.

Make Your Ribs More Mobile to Breathe Easier
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How to Feel Cellular Respiration for Better Breathing

Deep breathing Is not limited to your lungs. Your entire body breathes on a cellular level. This is less about doing and more about experiencing the membranes and fluids of your cells.

These somatic movement videos offer a centering practice that lets you feel grounded and allows you to feel a deep and easy breath.

Alveoli Breathing - Fill & Empty Your Lungs Thumbnail
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How to Breathe More Deeply and Circulate Blood When You Can't Exercise Aerobically.

Full and Deep Breathing happens when you exercise aerobically. But what if you can't.

These somatic movement videos offer a centering practice that lets you feel grounded and allows you to feel a deep and easy breath. You can increase your blood and oxygen circulation just by moving your hands!

Explore More Breathing Resources

Blog Posts About Breathing

8 Somatic Breathing Exercises to do today.

These 8 Somatic Breathing Exercises to do today came to me as I searched for gentle ways to free my breath. You see, as a long time yoga and somatic movement therapist I studied many breathing techniques. Most of these dictated rules about breathing. So, for years, I imposed breathing exercises on my body. But, by giving my body the...
Recommended Books About Breathing

The Breathing Book - Good Health and Vitality Through Essential Breath Work

by Donna Farhi

Breath - The Science of a Lost Art

by James Nestor

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