Access the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind
Conscious Embodiment accesses wisdom stored in the body through feeling and sensing. It supports us in acting in new ways. Feeling and sensing our body leads to new connections and new responses.
The process liberates the body from a lifetime of constraints and habitual tensions caused by adverse experiences, physical injuries, trauma, cultural and personal habits and more!
How Can We Approach Conscious Embodiment?
Conscious Embodiment, also known as Somatic Movement Therapy, uses gentle movements and relaxed visualization to focusing on the internal experience of movement and presence in the body. This opens access to the wisdom stored in your body.
Sometimes called “interoception”, conscious embodiment focuses on sensing yourself internally, using movement and rest to deepen the brain-body connection, and become attuned to your physical, emotional, and mental needs.
Conscious Embodiment gives your brain tools to reorganize itself. This changes how you move your muscles and perceive balance. It changes how you detect tiredness, hunger, or emotion. It helps you perceive difficulty differently and become more creative and grounded in solutions.
With these tools, the experience of living in your body becomes easier, and your thoughts and emotions are more manageable.
Acquiring this skill is not only healing, but helps you make better choices about your wellbeing long into the future.
"Conscious embodiment is the secret ingredient to deepening our body-mind connection."
- Donna Brooks
Movement Therapy with Donna Brooks

As an expert with over 35 years of experience in conscious embodiment, somatic movement therapy, yoga and healing arts, I help clients connect sensory and bodily experiences to their thoughts and emotions.
I also help clients overcome physical pain, age-related disease, injuries, trauma, grief, and loss – and live a life of freedom!
With somatic movement therapy, you can:
- Less pain and more movement range through brain plasticity
- Support a healthy relaxation (vagal) response
- Relieve pain from muscle and skeletal injury
- Correct habitual movement patterns that cause pain, limitations, or clumsiness
- Navigate life challenges with more internal support.
- Improve balance and fluidity of movement
- Improve breathing and heart rate variabilty.
- Filter intrusive thoughts and cope with acute sensitivities.
- Assist healing from chronic challenges such as Long Haul Covid, Lyme Disease or Fibro-Myalgia
With the right approach, you can significantly improve your quality of life, maintain these gains over time and feel confident to live life to the fullest.
"For me and for my clients, somatic movement is profoundly transformative, life-changing work."
- Donna Brooks