Does your basic movement intelligence help or hinder your fitness?
Research shows that bad posture and inefficient movement predict how quickly you could find yourself in a nursing home. I don’t want to see that happen any time soon and neither do you.
A well aligned skeleton safely sustains all types of pressure, movements and vigorous activities that nourish bone growth and keep muscles toned without being tight.. The key is creating a well aligned skeleton in motion.
I Thought Movement Was About My Muscles
It’s easy to think movement is all the balance between muscular strength and flexibility. That is because we can see how overly tight or weak muscles affect our posture and give us pain. It’s harder to feel what is happening through your skeleton.
If you are relying too much on your muscles you will find yourself gripping, pulling, tugging, clenching or tightening to get around or feel comfortable. A common example of this is pulling in your tummy to alleviate lower back pain. This is a common habit even in people who have a strong “core”.
In fact, much of the constant tension people seek to antidote comes from relying too much on muscles to propel yourself around.
You can let your bones bear the weight. Really, it strengthens them and helps you glide through life.
Everything is Better When Movement is Satisfying.
Your body experiences a kind of two way force that builds strength, alignment and agility with each step you take. You step down through your bones and they also receive a counter pressure from the earth. This bearing down and bouncing up makes movement economical, pleasant and your bones stronger.
- You have the the exquisite feeling of a firm yet flexible axis.
- You feel power, strength, agility and a sure foot as you run, walk or play a sport.
- You find ordinary movement flowing and rhythmic
- Twisting, spiraling and rotating are pleasant motions and don’t need to be avoided or done gingerly.