What is Somatic Movement?
A somatic movement is made with focus on the internal movement instead of on the external movement. You may already realize, internal movement is very different from most physical or exercise training. And, because this internal way of moving builds your interoception (self sensing) it helps you feel good. Not surprisingly, as you master this skill, you will make better...
Finding Pain Relief with Somatic Movement
Finding pain relief with somatic movement is often what brings people to my office. When pain is severe or when it triggers other symptoms people look for a gentle approach. I help them ease out pain and move in more ease and wholeness. In doing so, I recognize three different levels of pain somatic movement can help with. At the...
Creating a Good Life After a Child Dies.
Creating a good life after a child dies is not easy. In 2020, I lost my adult son. His death has been, without a doubt, the most devastating loss of my life. I wanted to beat the odds and create a good life after my child died. I was told about all the statistics that predict my life. Apparently, if...
Simple Sanity in Chaos
I have had to find simple sanity in chaos, This is because I have had so much change, adversity and chaos in these last years that if I were to take a stress inventory I would be off the Richter scale! Since Covid began (as if that hasn’t been stressful enough), I lost my son, I got married, my ex...
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Emotional Resilience
Tightening and relaxing the pelvic floor is great exercise. BUT if that is all you are doing you are missing a lot. Most importantly, you are missing the connection between your pelvic floor dysfunction and emotional resilience. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Emotional Resilience Just like our pelvic floor, humans have to be both flexible and strong. Yet, we are often...
Grief, Regret, Pain and the Velveteen Rabbit.
Today I had a great conversation with my friend and colleague Clare Maxwell. She is doing movement coaching on a fantastic BAM experiential theater exploring beliefs and emotions of Black life in America. Our conversation was an inquiry into how a white person could grieve black people being killed by police. It was a good conversation and it brought me to a real difficulty we all encounter in grief. It's...
Dealing with the Emotions of Loss and Grief.
Dealing with the emotions of loss and grief means recognizing that some experiences in life are just awful. And, having feelings of sadness, dismay, anger or complete overwhelm happen. No one wants to feel these feelings yet they are part of life. So, how do we experience them without becoming totally engulfed by them? Dealing with the emotions of grief...
Embodiment for recovery from grief and loss.
Embodiment is key for recovery from grief and loss. Some experiences in life are just awful and we are left with feelings of sadness, dismay, anger or complete overwhelm. No one wants to feel these feelings yet they are part of life. So, how do we experience them without becoming totally engulfed by them? Recovery from grief and loss means...
There is Beauty In Grief And Loss.
Like the Cold And Sparse Beauty Of Winter, there is beauty in grief and loss. Through covid, many have grieved the loss of physical closeness with friends, The simple luxury of sitting in a coffee shop or browsing through the supermarket disappeared. Like me, some of you have lost people incredibly dear to you. Some, have lost livelihood. Collectively, we...